Thursday, July 8, 2010

Patience & Prayer

32 Better to be patient than powerful;
better to have self-control than to conquer a city. ~Proverbs 16:32

Lately, God has really been showing me a lot about being patient and waiting for His timing. There's a lot of times in life that we're going to have to wait and be patient when we don't want to. As teens and young adults we want immediate results but in most cases that won't happen. Recently I got my whole life stolen at Cedar Point (as most of you know) well not my life, but my phone, sunglasses, digital camera, and coach wallet filled with my identity (license, soc security, insurance, cash..) I was seriously shocked that the last ride of the night someone jacked my stuff! Speed sprinting from the Maverick to the front of the park security is not fun, let me tell you. I became so impatient with the security officer and was having the hardest time keeping the mind of Christ. I felt like I was going to blow up on him at any minute. Not to mention i wanted to tackle every pedestrian carrying a blue draw-string bag on thier back. That night I got over it. Yes, being phoneless sucked and whats the point of having a purse with nothing in it? But I got over it and gave it to God. I know He cares for me and wants me to be happy, so why did a Lord-loving girl like me get stolen from?

I believe this was a lesson of patience for me. I waited on the Lord and trusted Him. I spoke positively over the situation and kept reminding myself that material things can be replaced and no one can steal my identity or stalk me because God is always protecting me, and everything evil bows to Him. How awesome is it to have authority over our lives?! Almost 3 weeks later I recieved a package in the mail from CP. Enclosed was every belonging that I had lost except my phone and cash in PERFECT condition. God is sooo amazingly good and His power and love never ceases to amaze me! Prayer and patience can definitely change any situation, no matter how long the period of waiting will be, just trust your Father and worship Him. He's already pulled through for you!

It kinda reminds me of the song While I'm Waiting" by John Waller.
While i'm waiting, I will serve you while i'm waiting...
I will worship while i'm waiting...
I will not fade I'll be running the race...even while I wait...

1 comment:

  1. Good Stuff Jellie!! You're awesome! I'm looking forward to reading more of your stuff!!
