Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Our Awkward Generation

I've noticed, and i'm sure you have too, that "awkward" seems to make its way into almost every conversation or situation. It's usually unavoidable and can come by means of silence or words. We say awkward/odd things, we text eachother while were in the same room, and we spend hours living computer generated lives (facebook, twitter, farmville, etc.), we seem to connect better with people online rather then face to face. Is it that we are afraid to get to know someone because we don't want anyone to truly know us? It may be a scary question to ask yourself.

We have the newest fashion trends, we have the most advanced cosmetic surgeons, and we (America) have enough money to feed the world twice. We have more today than the world has ever had, yet we still choose to be empty and insecure. We are the awkward, non-committed, insecure generation. I don't know about you but i'm sick of it! We should be a generation of change! I think i've really been learning about people and thier fears. I think this awkwardness stems from people being afraid of real relationships. Some thoughts:

1.) Maybe because the divorce rate is higher than the marriage rate (over 50%). These days, kids see so many failed models of love and relationships and fear the same thing for thier lives.

2.) Maybe because we're so rich, others are out for our money and material things rather than our personalities.

3.) Maybe because we are so cosmetically enhanced, we don't believe other people like us for who we are but instead what we look like. We find ourselves tricked into these mindsets often.

Maybe. It seems like many people around me are afraid to be vulnerable. They would rather be cold and put up a wall, or take control of each situation to their benefit...usually because of the fear of rejection or being forgotten. Do you find yourself doing that? I know i catch myself doing it sometimes. This is what creates the perfect environment for "awkward" to fester in. So what's the answer to all of the "awkward" and what can we do to avoid it? This leads to bigger questions: what are these fears and what can I do to make it better? This might be blown out of proportion and deep thinking but I think sometimes people get so wrapped up in the ways of the world and lose sight of the most important: God. To be honest I've been here and there, done this and that to make myself happy. Before I knew Christ I would let my friends influence me, party, blow money carelessly, extreme diet, and try to walk in Paris Hilton's footsteps...all that stuff makes you feel more empty. The great thing is that God will leave you with real fulfilling joy and an amazing purposeful life! And when you know you're here living for something bigger than yourself, it's easy to let people in and love again.

So challenge yourself to let down that awkward guard. Talk to someone you wouldn't normally talk to, or be the one to start conversation when you're standing in a group of people doing the "awkward nod." The bible says to love your neighbors, building relationships with good people can bring awesome joy in your life. I hope you have some food for thought now :)

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